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js69 05-03-2017 03:16 PM

Oh my God. I am speechless. I have always admired and respected Geoff. Honest, hardworking and a heart of gold. We never met in person, but over the years I feel I have gotten to know him. This is devastating and my heart goes out to Maxine and all who loved him.

jscott 05-03-2017 07:46 PM

Very sad news.

He's been a solid webmaster all this time knowing him, and more importantly was always a good respectable person.

RIP Geoff :(

Simon 05-04-2017 05:22 PM

I'd just like to post this here in case any of you lovely people would like to make a small donation to help cover Geoffs funeral costs.
Unfortunately he didn't have insurance and, living on a small island in the Atlantic, funerals, or repatriation, come at a huge cost.
As you'll see from his GoFundMe page he was a well liked and respected guy, in life and business.
Thanks in advance for any donations, every little helps.


Miss Hybrid 05-05-2017 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Simon (Post 11769)
I'd just like to post this here in case any of you lovely people would like to make a small donation to help cover Geoffs funeral costs.
Unfortunately he didn't have insurance and, living on a small island in the Atlantic, funerals, or repatriation, come at a huge cost.
As you'll see from his GoFundMe page he was a well liked and respected guy, in life and business.
Thanks in advance for any donations, every little helps.


Count me in.
My thoughts are with his family x

Toby 06-08-2017 12:56 AM


I don't know what Maxine's skill level may be with regards to doing the paysite updates and managing the TGPs. There may not be much any of us can do to help from non-local locations, but please ask Maxine if there might be something we can assist with. Thx.

Simon 06-11-2017 07:36 PM

I'm in talks with Maxine about updating the sites but it's not easy as Geoff ran everything on his own, she has no experience at all and is still finding it difficult to cope.
Hopefully I'll have more news soon.

jscott 06-12-2017 02:42 PM

Ya, i wonder what daily tasks were involved to run their network of sites. Hopefully it's stuff she can handle. If need an advices or info let us know :)

Simon 06-12-2017 10:17 PM

Unfortunately she has no interest in learning.. he did everything manually.
I can't help until she's ready to face it..

Toby 06-30-2017 01:14 AM

It's quickly approaching the point of no return. Domain jansnylonsex.com expired on the 23rd and is parked. 3 months with no updates on any of the sites.

noelgq 04-01-2018 06:32 PM

I too wondered what had happened and just thought or hoped it was for another reason i had not heard back in emails etc. Still in shock as i had lost this url and had to pull out an old computer to find along with name and password.

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