Leg Webmasters

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nyllover 01-31-2017 02:31 PM

Just out of curiosity.... how was January for you, in terms of sales? For me (both on feet4cash and on my personal sites where i'm an affiliate) it has not been a good month, saw a drop on sales during second half of month.

How about you?

cots 02-01-2017 07:15 AM

Same here. Great days/weeks, bad days weeks, very patchy. Overall down on same month last year. A lot of "Failed Re-Bills" via CCBill. That's usually a very good indicator that people have no credit on their cards! Maxed out after Xmas and the sales!

jscott 02-02-2017 09:39 AM

My Jan was pretty bad, ratios still dropping, SEO getting tougher, more and more mentality of "want more for less (free)" attitude from our consumers, or ex consumers

cots 02-04-2017 05:39 AM

Bit of follow up. This week started really, really well. Thought we were going to have a bumper week. Then it all went tits up on Thursday and hasn't picked up.

That's exactly what I meant above - very,very patchy!

js69 02-07-2017 08:05 PM

Sales here are ticking over nicely. It was the move to vr that has fueled it. Without virtual reality, I think it might suck. 90 per cent of our business is moving through vr but being supported well with traditional 2d. Webcam is also doing well.

jscott 02-08-2017 09:08 AM

I'm still waiting to pop my cherry on VR

I have a few text links and banners up to various VR sponsor sites, so it's nothing like niche specific VR sites sending to VR paysites, is more generic traffic so I expect worse ratios.

Still building my other VR project though, will show after finished :)

js69 02-10-2017 04:11 PM

good luck with that vr project..j

jscott 02-12-2017 07:27 AM

thx thx, getting nowhere fast right now, been too busy with non work stuff, but will get to it eventually and let ya'll know :)

BitchenBob 02-13-2017 10:29 PM

Everybody Wang Chung tonight

js69 02-14-2017 02:29 AM

those guys still alive?

jscott 02-14-2017 06:44 PM

Holy shit, Bob?!?! Where the hell have you been these days????

BitchenBob 02-16-2017 02:09 AM

hehe...mostly playing poker. I quit the day job summer 2015

jscott 02-17-2017 06:03 PM

OH damn! that's cool, well good luck man, i hope you tearing it up on the poker tables!

So you dont shoot anymore at all? I always liked your pantyhose content

BitchenBob 02-18-2017 01:07 AM

I actually still have content to continue updating for about a year. I haven't shot anyone in about a year mainly because the site where I found my models yanked my account after 10 years with zero complaints. I might try to make a new account as I get closer to running out of content but for now I'm happy just banging the 2 models that live close by :D

p.s. this site is not emailing me when I have replies even though I have that setting turned on

jscott 02-18-2017 06:35 AM

Oh a year of content is a nice buffer! And banging the models nearby even more awesome! HAHA

Yah man, I found out recently how my mail server is getting blacked from a past server problem I had. Going to get a 2nd server to allow for emails soon, and the problems will eventually be fixed (this is causing problems for all mym sites that intend on having users - tubes, forums, etc)

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