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Suckerpunch 02-26-2009 12:57 AM

All my sites are down...
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that all my sites are down due to a major server crash. Just working on getting the new server online and will begin rebuilding the sites. Unfortunately some of the sites will defer to a 404 message for a bit while i get everything back online.

Quick tip for everyone... if your hosting offers backup services, use it. I have never used the option before and am looking at a lot of lost data, galleries, etc. Had I have used the back up option my server would have been back online 100% within an hour instead of this rebuilding process that will likely take several weeks to complete.

You learn something new everyday I guess...


jscott 02-26-2009 05:36 AM

OMG, mant that's horrible Chris, sorry to hear about that, I'm contacting my server RIGHT NOW about fixing up my backup servers (seriously, this is a wakeup call)

Sorry for whats happend to your sites but thanks for recommending backups for us and reminding us that "shit happens" :(

Suckerpunch 02-26-2009 05:47 AM

Shit definitely happens... it's been a crazy day and my server is still not ready for me to even get started. I had a new server setup and was able to move my mainstream clients over so that was pretty quick and painless.

They tried cloning the old drive but it didn't work. They installed a new drive and it failed during the installation of DirectAdmin. So they upgraded the drive and are in the process of re-installing the operating system and DirectAdmin. My old drive is mounted via USB cable so I am hoping I will be able to save some of the data on the old one. For instance my forum has been up and running for over a year and all the information has not been backed up in ages.

My poor pantyhose blog... Up a couple of years and when I tried importing my most recent backup (a week and a bit ago) earlier today it was chock full of errors and absolutely useless.

I will be the star of an infomercial on the importance of backups very soon :)

NylonMichelle 02-26-2009 08:31 PM

Sorry to hear that. I know how it is if your site get hacked... Big trouble to go back online. Whis you best of luck! I'll check with my host straight away..

somona 02-27-2009 01:08 PM

That is so sad Suckerpunch !! :(:( ...well hope you will be online very soon :)

Many kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NylonMichelle 02-27-2009 05:41 PM

Checkes: I got a HD backup in addition to my personal backups...

Suckerpunch 02-27-2009 10:17 PM

Thanks Michelle and somona... I definitely learned a huge lesson. I have so many galleries that I have lost. It has literally been a week from hell but I have some of the stuff back up and running. The biggest problem is re-populating everything with new galleries. I decided to fork out some money and bought an automated gallery generator that will help me in the long run.

Will probably use some subcontract work as well to get my blogs up to speed... sigh... so much work to do and so little time.

maximan 02-27-2009 11:17 PM

Hit us to start trade again when will online again! ;)

somona 02-28-2009 01:18 PM

Yes Suckerpunch ....as maximan said, hit us to trade ....if U need any help feel free to hit me :)
For a personnal website, it's quite different as I ave an external back up of all and can remade all the sites in the day in a different host or domain name, ...for my oldest galleries, I would think it's "just to bad " as the newest are more "me" at the moment, and I hate to see the past work :):)
I think we are in a weird time were we got to perform to make the best work we can and we can loose all in a minute because of some technical prob we cannot control :(.....

Hope you will be up VERY soon Suckerpunch ..

Somona xxxx

Wayne 03-01-2009 05:45 PM

that sucks.
im a few days late, but if you need to throw any pages up quick I have some clean trade free tgps, that you can view source/copy and throw the html on your server until you get things going so you don't loose bookmarkers if you like.

pm me and I will give you the url's

jscott 03-02-2009 11:43 AM

Chris whats your status? you all back up now? I'm wishing you best of luck man

Suckerpunch 03-03-2009 02:21 AM

Things are improving on a daily basis... got teensinpantyhose.com back up and at 10k uniques per day. I am getting another site up and error free almost on a daily basis. I should have most of the sites rolling by Friday but the biggest problems is the blogs... I am scrambling to get the content back up.

I did invest in an automatic gallery creator which has been a godsend. Created 200+ galleries from stored content in about 90 minutes.

Once I get through the bulk of the work I will get trades back up and rolling. Thanks to everyone who has pushed traffic to get me back on my feet! You all rock and hope that I can return the favour!

somona 03-03-2009 12:07 PM

Great to see you back so soon !!! ;)

jscott 03-04-2009 10:52 AM

Damn man, care to share what gallery app you have? I know of 1 but I forget the name, I think it's something that X-nation programmer guy created before

Btw, helping out with getting your traffic back, might be expensive but what I find helps a lot is buying traffic to help boost your old trades, I usually buy from ONLY traffic-out.com

Suckerpunch 03-06-2009 11:21 AM

Yeah, I will be purchasing some traffic for some of the smaller sites to get things up and running. Hired a freelancer to do some work on getting some of the content back in place. My 404 errors are crazy right now.

I am using Arylia to build galleries. The program is pretty damn amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone who has to build any quantity of galleries. It's making me a hell of a lot more productive.

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