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-   -   Worst ccbill day in history of my affiliate marketing (http://www.legwebmasters.com/forums/showthread.php?t=690)

jscott 03-23-2009 06:36 AM

Worst ccbill day in history of my affiliate marketing
Been doing affiliate marketing for adult sites since 1998-99, today is the worst profits for my affiliate ccbill account EVER!!!!


I dont remember seeing this before in my life :eek: :(

jscott 03-23-2009 07:33 AM

Ok I'm happy to be able to adjust this, I finished the day at $27 total, 0 sales, 3 rebils, and 1 refund for my total affiliate ccbill stats

0:many thousand clicks :(

somona 03-23-2009 02:41 PM

I think it's quite the same for all of us ...:(

NylonMichelle 03-23-2009 07:14 PM

well, I dont want to show off, but my affiliate program converts currently at 1:114.5 ... if it will continue like this, March will be the best month in the last half year...

riemens 03-23-2009 07:53 PM

me too me too, cant say more :mad:

The Heron 03-25-2009 02:13 PM

Good thing your own paysite converts 1:1 right jscott ;)

jscott 03-26-2009 08:48 AM

heron wtf man? u think i convert that bad? haha, dude i convert at 1:0 nigga bitch!

cots 03-28-2009 07:32 PM

It can be very erratic. My site www.glamourimages.net can have several fantastic days then an absolute disaster for no apparent reason! Had one last Tuesday in fact - 10% of sign up levels compared with a normal day. I find that on these bad days, clicks out are at ludicrously low levels, completely out of character with a normal day. It's almost like nothing is being recorded by CCBill.

I have taken this up with them but always get the same "nothing wrong here" stonewall answer. The simple fact is that they daren't admit to anything as the fear of litigation from the "big boys" means denial is the only option.

I guess we just all have to accept a glitch from time to time even though it pisses us off!

jscott 03-29-2009 05:47 AM

Yea I hear ya cots, speaking of which, I just pounded in sales at the speed of 1:4k ratios today (March 28) Woohoo!!!! :(

cots 04-02-2009 12:28 PM

Conversion has gone down considerably over the past couple of days. Yesterday was 1:1500 and on a normal day it's around 1:500.

It was great for five days before that. Anyone else seeing the same?

Oh and so far today is terrible.

riemens 04-05-2009 07:03 AM

stats remote shows me this monts ccbill ratio 0:12k :confused:

jscott 04-05-2009 12:16 PM

Holy shit that is horrible :(

I'm actually surprised at my 1:1101 ratio this month so far in ccbill, I'm very happy with this ratio compared to most other days recently

riemens 04-05-2009 05:18 PM

ratios for this year

01.2009 - 1:1429
02.2009 - 1:2043
03.2009 - 1:3086
04.2009 - 0:12821

i dont know what is wrong :mad:

jscott 04-05-2009 06:43 PM

holy fuck, worse, then worse, then WORSE!!!! I cant say anything just now, since I'm actually having a decent day FINALLY

riemens 04-05-2009 08:07 PM

yep, realy holy fuck.

i`m now working on 5 new leg / nylon / heels & boots TGP`s
but its make no fun with this bad ratios.

i hope the next days are a little bit better :)

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