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-   -   Anyone heard about Lakeview not paying on Epoch (http://www.legwebmasters.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2281)

jscott 06-10-2016 08:29 PM

Anyone heard about Lakeview not paying on Epoch
LakeviewEnt supposedly not paying on Epoch sales. Quite a few upset affiliates here on GFY thread.


Steve confirmed that the Epoch sales are not tracked for affiliates with the CCBILL link codes, and that it won't change anytime soon.

Epoch is the main biller now even. So basically you won't get paid for most of the sales that you generate.
For some reason i dont feel too shocked, angry, etc anymore, already too calloused to this kind of activity from people/companies in the adult industry

:eek: :mad: :confused: :(

Toby 06-11-2016 02:09 AM

They have some, average at best, fetish content that I could use but most of their gallery images have huge ugly watermarks that make it impossible to make an attractive thumbnail image. Five or six years ago I had some discussion about them with a consultant they'd hired, who I knew personally, and it was quite clear they really had no clue about running an affiliate program. It appears they've not learned much in the years since then.

jscott 06-11-2016 10:20 AM

Looking at lakeviewent site you can tell they aren't really in "the know" about how sites should probably be looking, especially todays sites.

js69 06-12-2016 02:46 AM

Yeah...there is a change in the air. Like Bob Dylan said

....get out of the new world If you can't lend a hand
For the times they are a-changin'

Damn. Shit is crashing and burning everywhere. Its the first time in years all I can see is open road and opportunity. Big time. Its exciting as hell. In this little leg nylon market, the competition is sinking like a sunset. They don't even bother to post their spam here any more. They are all looking old.....Stay tuned for a whole new me soon.

jscott 06-13-2016 02:39 AM

Yea man, i cant even update my review site with new reviews, because no new sites are coming out. Most are dying, dead, set and forget, etc :(

js69 06-13-2016 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 11209)
Yea man, i cant even update my review site with new reviews, because no new sites are coming out. Most are dying, dead, set and forget, etc :(

Yeah....its not like the fetish disappeared. But they did. Why is that? I know Lady Sonia brought it on themselves declaring that all product should be free. New school marketing, they said and we were all idiots. Then they tanked. Others were never real. Some were not very good. Some got old, dated and technically poor. Some couldn't even be bothered to spend money to buy current cameras. Some thought 4K would save everything. There are just soooo many reasons, most of them bad.

Suckerpunch 06-14-2016 02:23 PM

Hey folks... long time no chat!

Sign of the times I'm afraid as others have said. I remember back in the day where it seemed like there were new sites every couple of weeks to promote and check out. Now they are few and far between. Some of the smaller sites clinging to life with limited updates while the bigger sites are on autopilot.

I know the Lakeview issues is something entirely but there's always been something wonky with the CCBill / Epoch cascading system. A while back when I had all my sites up and running I did a test transaction because I couldn't believe that conversions could drop so dramatically as soon as the site (to remain nameless) went to an Epoch cascade. Sure enough no credit despite cookies being cleared and legit.

I was told that it was an "isolated" incident.

I don't trust Epoch at all...

jscott 06-16-2016 10:56 AM

Tbh i dont really trust any of them. I've seen before where Ccbill affiliate ids dont carry to join pages.

edit: oh and yes, welcome back Chris!!!

nyllover 06-18-2016 10:48 PM

The thing about Epoch is that, if you don't pay attention, they will make mistakes when they implement the cascade.
We had the same problem, but luckily we found it out and fixed it.

Glad to read from you again! :)

Suckerpunch 06-23-2016 11:23 PM

Thanks guys... glad to be back :)

cots 07-06-2016 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by js69 (Post 11210)
Yeah....its not like the fetish disappeared. But they did. Why is that? I know Lady Sonia brought it on themselves declaring that all product should be free. New school marketing, they said and we were all idiots. Then they tanked. Others were never real. Some were not very good. Some got old, dated and technically poor. Some couldn't even be bothered to spend money to buy current cameras. Some thought 4K would save everything. There are just soooo many reasons, most of them bad.

Got to say that since Lady Sonia transferred Kenny's Pennies it is doing gang busters - and they pay on the dot. Too many site owners didn't get the idea of partnering but didn't have the necessary resources to do well themselves.

Partnering is the way forward with multi site memberships but sadly some people don't see that 50% of something is better than 100% of fuck all!

jscott 07-06-2016 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by cots (Post 11225)
Partnering is the way forward with multi site memberships but sadly some people don't see that 50% of something is better than 100% of fuck all!

I absolutely agree with this! Even with affiliate marketing, i think the main ones that are still thriving are the ones that have teams or webmasters joining groups, teaming up to stay competative.

I still remember a few years back DamageX posted on his AskDamageX forum (now offline), suggesting how we affiliates need to band together to stay in the game.

But most of us old timers do know/understand that partnerships are not always unicorns and rainbows unfortunately

js69 07-06-2016 02:29 PM

Steve is on xbiz. You can talk to him.

jscott 07-07-2016 12:46 PM

Who's Steve?

js69 07-07-2016 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by jscott (Post 11236)
Who's Steve?

Steve Lake who, I believe, is Lakeview entertainment. You could probably pm him there if you want to talk to him.

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