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ikcawon 01-23-2012 02:59 PM

SOPA etc.
A few days ago I have heard: SOPA is dead!

and I was sad

And today I can read some news...




Guys! Do you know what does that mean???? !!!!!

Taking down porno forums sharing our content is not the key.

The key is taking down file hosting services!!

Chat conversation between two MegaUpload's key stuff members:

- We have a funny business . . . modern days pirates

- We’re not pirates. We’re just providing shipping services to pirates.

Eddi 01-23-2012 03:49 PM

i totally support sopa, i do absolutely not understand the threads on other webmaster boards complaining about sopa.
we all live from selling electronic goods and can only profit (both affiliates and producers) from that law.
internet is still wildwest, people finally have to realize that copyright infingment is theft.
Finally there is light at the end of the tunnel with the takedown of megaupload and its fat ass owner which is a big time criminal and hopefully being sent to extradiction soon.
As i read today other filesharing sites have their pants full and react to the massive fbi takedown....its no longer possible to share files on filesonic.
Finally US government takes the right actions. And this is hopefully only the beginning.

Eddi 01-23-2012 03:52 PM

and hopefully google and youtube is next.
Siteowners: type in your paysite in google and read the results on the first page !!
how can it be that pirate sites list on the first site !!! they should be blocked !!!
this can only be done when government takes legal action.!!!

Toby 01-23-2012 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Eddi (Post 8145)
I totally support sopa, i do absolutely not understand the threads on other webmaster boards complaining about sopa.

The goal of SOPA was good, the implementation was flawed. There was no mechanism to respond to a complaint to prevent a competitor from falsely getting your site shut down.

It's a catch 22. Make a law that will take action in a timely enough manner, but still maintain enough checks and balances to prevent malicious abuse.

jscott 01-23-2012 06:41 PM

Sucks SOPA got beat down.. but it's really nice to see all these file uploading/sharing sites bite the dust, i wonder if they'll stay offline for good?

cots 01-24-2012 10:11 AM

It has always pissed me off that the cyberlocker owners play all innocent in content sharing/theft. The "we only provide the service" line is bollocks. They may well remove "copyrighted" content reasonably quickly when confronted, but do nothing to prevent it being uploaded again!

Take away the cyberlockers and tube sites and we may, just may, have a chance of getting some of our revenues back.

Whilst I have the upmost respect for all the members on here, it's going to take concerted action by the "big boys" to get the results we need :(

Secretease.com 01-24-2012 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by cots (Post 8149)
it's going to take concerted action

That's what I thought. Clamp down and then keep the clamp on.

cots 01-25-2012 09:07 AM

Just read that the head of MegaUpload was denied bail in New Zealand. Excellent! Apparently he has a previous criminal record including hacking and insider trading. He also had an unauthorised gun in his home, has multiple passports, two nationalities and is also listed as a resident of Hong Kong. Nice law abiding chap then - so clearly we should believe his claims of being innocent? Yeah right :)

Toby 01-25-2012 09:22 AM

Yeah, Kim Dotcom is a definite flight risk. I read that they expect extradition alone may take a year to litigate. Then, once finally in US DOJ custody his RICO trial will likely take at least that long.

It's the RICO charge, and lengthy penalties, along with the fact that he was apprehended outside of the US that has most of the other file sharing services running scared.

The Feds don't lose many RICO cases. Kim Dotcom will likely be spending some quality time at Club Fed.

I also just read that a fifth person was arrested in the Netherlands. Two more still at large.

js69 02-01-2012 10:25 AM

DMCA is the real problem. Get rid of this safe harbor bullshit and a lot of this problem goes away. Its much easier to bust and prosecute bricks and mortar criminals.

jscott 02-01-2012 11:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Look what ThePirateBay.org had to say about SOPA/PIPA/etc

"Year of the storm

2012 is the year of the storm.

The Pirate Bay will reach an age of 9 years. Experiencing raids, espionage and death threats, we're still here. We've been through hell and back and it has made us tougher than ever.

The people running the site has changed during the years. No sane human being would put up with this kind of pressure for 8 years in a row. An insane hobby that takes time from our families, our work (sorry boss) and our studies.

What binds us all together is a strong belief that what we do is good. That it is something we one day can tell our grandchildren about with pride. People from all over the world confirm this. We read testimonials from people in Syria longing for freedom, thanking us for what we provide. We receive more than 100 visits daily from North Korea and we sure know that they need it. If there's something that will bring peace to this world it is the understanding and appreciation of your fellow man. What better way to do that than with this vast library of culture?

With this said, we hear news from our old admins that they have received a verdict in Sweden. Our 3 friends and blood brothers have been sentenced to prison. This might sound worse than it is. Since no one of them no longer lives in Sweden, they won't go to jail. They are as free today as they were yesterday.

But what enrages us to our inner core is that the system, the empire, the governments, are still allowed to try to boss you and us around with one law crazier than the other. Do you think they will stop with SOPA/ACTA/PIPA? They will not. Because you won't stop sharing those files. Because we will not stay down. Because no one can turn back time. Together, we are the iron that hardens with each strike.

In this year of the storm, the winners will build windmills and the losers will raise shelters. So flex your muscles, fellow pirates, and give power to us all! Build more sites! More nets! More protocols! Scream louder than ever and take it to the next level!


cots 02-02-2012 09:34 AM

Hmmm. They seem to be confusing freedom, which we all agree with, and theft . Protecting/promoting themselves as "do gooders" using a false argument.

Liberating the oppressed from their oppressors is a great cause no doubt. But surely it's freedom of speech that these newly emancipated people are looking for - not free porn/movies and tunes!

All bollocks as usual.

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