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AfterDarkkMedia 06-03-2011 12:31 AM

...Sites that have Green, Red or Yellow Pictures
Your dumb. I will no longer promote sites that do not give a shit about their content to the point that you would think that people really prefer to pay 30 bucks a month for access to your site and jack off over Green, Red or Yellow Pictures. Remember, photoshop is your friend. And if you tried even a little bit, you would most likely be amazed at what happens when you give a shit about your content.

And while I'm at it, for the Love of God, please post produce your video at a size other than 320X240 pixels... I mean really?!? If I'm a FETISHIST, I'm also most likely a COLLECTOR! ...DUH! In this economy, I probably would not take the chance of joining a site if your video promos are postage stamp size. If your a tightass on your front end, your most likely a bigger tightass on the backside, no thanks. we cater to very technical people, blah does not cut it anymore. If you hate what your doing, get the fuck out of the Biz. As an index it pisses me off endlessly to have to go hunting after a "mom and pop" for fresh content. And after awhile of not updating your promo area, it starts to depress me, so I just stop looking at your shit and you stay endlessly in the back of the room as it were, rather than front and center to my traffic every month, and my traffic is crazy yummy good organic traffic. My CCBill conversion are STILL in the low 500's. I should know, I just bought another condo with what I made with my Sponsors, which includes many of you. And if your feeling extra "crazy", encoding your trailers in flv clips would add that extra zing of "dynamic" to your website. But wait!!! Please encode these at 600 pixels or wider in length. That's pretty much the standard now.

I mean since were all fetishists here and all, you would most likely know how "OCD" most of your surfers are. We aren't catering to the average dumbfuck porn surfer, WE ARE CATERING TO eclectic "put together" people that look at a woman's foot as some sort of Golden Chalice from God! Make your site look the part! Make it beautiful! Make it immersive and make that motherfucking surfer lick the screen in reverence because your site was so compelling that you just made a stranger a half a world away get hard faster than you can say "pay me"! Pulling out that plastic so you can get PAID will be a natural process, not some stupid back and forth time wasting tug of war going on in the surfers mind! Better that you take that extra step to making your content as slick and up to date as possible, than be a tight ass and go out of business within the year... just sayin! :) OK, enough of the "tough love pep talk", how's everyone been?

~2 cents.

nyllover 06-03-2011 11:38 AM

Very, very, very well said... that's why all our videos are Full HD, to say one thing :)

But anyway... i think any foot fetishist will notice if a site's content is made by someone that knows what he likes or just by someone who's there to try to make money...or at least i hope so

somona 06-03-2011 12:04 PM

Well before using photoshop, it will be nice to use correctly RAW converters ... ( every photographers are shooting in RAW files ...) ...some are free like UFRAW or Stepok . ;)

js69 06-03-2011 03:24 PM

I shoot jpegs

somona 06-03-2011 03:53 PM

shooting in RAW files can help U to correct exposure, colors balance , etc .... in fact U can also include a © into the Exif ...
Well many photographer are using this file as the RAW is really usefull for all kind of photo wokrks ( like recently for the HDR ). Try it ;) :D

Toby 06-03-2011 04:33 PM

Good lighting and white balance eliminates the need for post processing most of the time.

Lighting is probably the biggest weakness for most independent amateurs shooting their own content.

AfterDarkkMedia 06-03-2011 05:32 PM

You know, I used to shoot jpeg until 2006. Somona's right, you have so much more control over the temp of the images as well as balance, etc, without degrading the photograph really.

Right now I use the Rebel t3i, and I love it!

AfterDarkkMedia 06-03-2011 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Toby (Post 7454)
Good lighting and white balance eliminates the need for post processing most of the time.

Lighting is probably the biggest weakness for most independent amateurs shooting their own content.

this is true. I used to have an old Canon D300 and i used to use a piece of paper to set my white balance. I could never really get it right. I had a simple 3 light tungston kit and ...yeah

somona 06-03-2011 06:40 PM

My last shootings were on 3 different bodies . Nikon D2h, D1X. and D90 . Well about the final result I really prefered the D1X ( this date from 2001 so really not new :D :D ) result as the extrapolation were @ 10 Mp using the Raw file . But with this I compared the result with 3 different sensors . About the photographer ( my hubby ) he prefered the D90 for the use, but admitted the D1X, even if it was quite old gave a real good result, and as the body was tropicalized, we done A LOT of shootings outside, for wet and messy , in lake, waves, in a boat mud etc ... without caring too much of the camera :D :D ... sso for about 350 $ used, we were really surprised :D :D Toby is true about the light, and that's why we decided to shoot more outside shootings the last times, the light is quite always good, a good flash and .... a real good landscape ;)
So it seems Beutifulfeeto0nline U got the topic of the day !!! :D :D ....

js69 06-03-2011 08:59 PM

I shoot everything on manual white balance. I never use either the auto, presets, or an independent white balance. Its pretty simple once you see light as a color.
I would never have time to post produce raw images because I shoot high production volume.
However, now I shoot almost exclusively HD Video. I think the future is in motion pictures, so I don't bother much with stills except for promo or the odd set.
I actually prefer shooting videos because I have a long background in film making.

AfterDarkkMedia 06-03-2011 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by js69 (Post 7458)
I shoot everything on manual white balance. I never use either the auto, presets, or an independent white balance. Its pretty simple once you see light as a color.
I would never have time to post produce raw images because I shoot high production volume.
However, now I shoot almost exclusively HD Video. I think the future is in motion pictures, so I don't bother much with stills except for promo or the odd set.
I actually prefer shooting videos because I have a long background in film making.

yeah I am learning this too. I am launching more paysites, one the end of this year and the other next year. I fear that with the high volume that goes with multiple paysite concepts, that all I am going to do is editing as well, once it's all said and done.

cots 06-05-2011 07:24 AM

I shoot jpeg. I work hard on the set up before doing the set. Check everything pre shoot then select the right settings and go.

I then post process in Aperture (I use Macs). Correct one pic, stamp the rest. Job done. Ten minutes max.

Oh and I have never had one comment from a member to say "too yellow", "too red", or "too dark" and in the early days as I was learning there were plenty of all those :)

I don't have a HD video camera. I occasionally manage to borrow one or recently have used my IPhone. Never had a complaint yet.

I have never heard anyone say that's the same sofa, the same bed, the same wall, the same shoes neither. And our home/shoes etc have appeared on a lot of sites other than ours :)

I tell you what I do hear though - not enough updates! Now there is a killer. Not colour casts, not video frame sizes, not backgrounds/sets/outfits. They don't care as long as they get enough. That is why they join!

And one last thing. My best converting sites at Glam Images at the moment have

- Crap photography
- Small videos (I had to talk the sponsor into doing 320*240ish)
- No HD

But boy, oh boy, do they sell! Go figure.

AfterDarkkMedia 06-05-2011 07:27 PM

Geoff, I think you have done well branding Astrid. Seems like she has been around forever. Then Astrid's Angels, then back to Astrid and changing your business model to other solo girl sites. She is in my "Perfect 10" area in fact.


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