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Old 02-10-2015, 03:50 AM
oil oil is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 81

Originally Posted by EonBlue View Post
I am interested in trying it. What are the template/layout options like and is it customizable? Are we going to end up with a bunch of sites that all look the same if everyone starts using it?
i got the same impression, that the template system is rather complicated and most sites will just look alike the base template over and over again

i asked mechbunny how much other templates would be ..
he told me none exclusive ones would prolly go for 80-90 and exclusive ones for 800-900. I really would be curious to see some other layouts.

On this currect one there are quite a few things i really dont like. although the whole new look seems nice.

i have one site running on SCJ, and from the feature its seems a mindblowing script. Although unless you have a guy which speaks russing and is good with it stay away from SCJ its far to complicated and most documentations are not even available in english.
Another major downturn of SCJ seems to be that it eats up server ressources like nothing else.

my SCJ site is still up to date, my most beautiful one
but it stopped working well over a year ago, (cant process fresh content)
and they guy which made me the setup that time vanished
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