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Old 07-24-2010, 07:00 PM
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jscott jscott is offline
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Well some problems are this:

1. free porn, ratios going down, this is everyone and this will generally never quit, the more free porn out there causes more and more surfers to learn about and become more comfortable using the free porn sites. Eventually it'll be all porn users wanting free porn, except for a rare handful who want the newest stuff from a certain site

2. sponsors not paying, this year alone I've seen over 10 of my own sponsors dip out, not pay, etc, (this is non epoch/verotel/ccbill paying sponsors) they just vanish and never pay

3. bad ethics, even ccbill sponsors that normally are forced to pay, will just change their programs to NATS billing or others and just collect your free traffic, with no notification

4. x-sells, The long term effect that pre checked x-sells is doing is killing the surfers (ex-possible customers) desire to ever buy again, they buy what they think is a $30/mo membership and get assbanged for over $100 per transaction!!! Then when they try to chargeback or cancel they get harrassed! pre checked x-sells is VERY common btw.

5. competition, Even as times are getting rougher, sales slowing, ratios getting worse, surfers getting scammed, even with all that, there is even MORE COMPETITION than ever!!! Sure us old timers have the advantage on getting great SE rankings with our old sites, and usually more knowledge and info, but from what I see, the competition is rising bigtime! And, a lot of these new younger competitors are coming in and going about things with no shame, wanting a fast buck, and sometimes their persistent attitude does eventually get there sites ranked high with certain keywords

6. expenses, (will add tomorrow, sorry, I am super tired, super late here, sleepy time, LOL)

I can go on and on, on the general speaking field, we are doomed, this is fact in my mind (I hate to say it, )

There will be ways to avoid losing profits and those seem to be:

1. adapt with the ways, scam customers, steal content, open tubes pushing dating and cams
2. making VERY VERY VERY special content website, that are unique and very hard to do, and come by, also forums, chats, social networks etc

I don't like the choices that we'll be having to deal with in the future, that is why I am aiming to get out of this business asap

Sorry folks, for my pessimistic views but I've been in the adult business for about 12 years and I've seen a lot also, and in my opinion, every year the quality of every 1 surfer we've dealt with has gotten worse and worse
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