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Old 11-21-2011, 11:02 AM
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Default Are you doing enough to promote your business?

The thread about recent sales, especially November, raises an interesting point.

With my Glamour Images affiliate hat on, I am amazed how many sites have an affiliate/webmaster scheme but do little or nothing to maximise the potential it offers. I can't tell you how many times I finish up scrabbling around trying to find new galleries to use to promote some of my sponsors.

It begs the question - why bother having an affiliate scheme in the first place? It also raises the question - are you doing enough to boost your sales?

Times have changed as we all know and, mark my words, we will never get back to the heady old days. If you don't know how to promote your site, don't have the time, or simply can't be bothered, then don't come on here, or any other board, and moan about it.

I am not naming names, or pointing fingers at anyone it's just a general comment. If I did point the finger, then it would start with me. I know for a fact that if you don't get your galleries out, then traffic drops and so do sales. Despite that I sometimes leave it to long between webmaster mailings. Slapped wrists for me. Getting a the odd gallery out every now and then does not do you any good whatsoever - and yet so many do it!. Commit to the scheme!

Here is a recommendation - send out at least one gallery every week as a priority and you will see your sales rise.

On a similar note how many of you are keeping your links pages fresh and updated? Not very many seems to be the answer. Judging by the number of dead links I find when going in search of new sites to exchange banners with, too many paysite owners haven't checked their links pages for a very long time.

Things are going to get very, very tough again in the next few months (especially in the Eurozone) and so if you are not prepared to put the work in to promote your sites we can expect a lot more to close.

Sad but true.
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