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Old 12-23-2011, 04:39 PM
js69 js69 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 837

Originally Posted by Ariel Rebel View Post
dude seriously give it a rest... and when I say "spam it around the net" it's only a way to say it. My native language is French and I do my best with the words I know... if you don't want to download it fine I don't care just stop wasting precious post by annoying me since I was INVITED to post on here... I have an affiliate program coming up with lots of feet and leg content and my website is full of feet content. You're annoying pretty much everybody here, give it a rest and go bother somebody else...
I doubt that, but carry on. Petulance is boring.
If you have that leg content, then that is what you should post here. Focussed and to the point. It would be a good lesson for you to learn so this does not happen to you again.
This is a very civilized and friendly board, we do business here. Perhaps you might take your drama where it will be appreciated. BTW, Spam is spam in French and English. Now you know.

Je doute de cela, mais continue. L'irritabilité ennuyeux. Si vous avez ce contenu de jambe, alors est qui ce que vous devriez signaler ici. Focalisé et au point. Ce serait une bonne leçon pour que vous apprenniez ainsi ceci n'arrive pas à vous encore. C'est très civilisée et conseil amical, nous faisons des affaires ici. Peut-être vous pourriez prendre votre drame où on l'appréciera. BTW, Spam est Spam en français et anglais. Maintenant vous savez.
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