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Old 06-06-2012, 10:08 PM
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Originally Posted by SGS View Post
We have always had a business model from day 1 online. Not everything we have done has worked but we have always had a plan that we work to and we still do now.

We see so many sites still doing the same as they did 10 years ago which makes you scratch your head. No wonder so many are falling away and there will be loads more dying sites out there which will close over the coming months.

It's got nothing to do with Football, the Royals, Olympics or anything else. It's just changing times.
Sorry - one quick question. What are you doing that is so different? I understand that "Sonia", or your marketing team, spend a lot of time on social media etc but where has the site changed? The only obvious thing is that Sonia is slowly being replaced by "multi models" and no longer does/shows hardcore in the tour. Am I missing something?

Sonia used to be my very best sponsor but that is no longer the case by a long way.
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