Thread: Zoligirls
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Old 11-06-2012, 10:06 AM
SGS SGS is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Marbella
Posts: 70

Originally Posted by Toby View Post
A slightly higher premium for the non-recurring option is something I've seen do quite well on many sites. Lady Sonia being the first that comes to mind.

Although to be honest, my sales with Lady Sonia have been on a steady decline for some time now, but I think that is due to numerous other factors since the pricing structure hasn't changed in ages.

Overall, rebills on recurring sales have been steady for me. Same for percentage of non-recurring vs recurring sales.
Hi Toby, to be honest our in-house side has really been strong over the last couple of years and more than outgrown the decline on the affiliate side and there are many reasons for this but pricing is right up there at the top. Personally I think that 2005 pricing on sites is now *way* out of date and just to confirm this we had our biggest ever sales day since the site launched in 1998 earlier this year (John will happily confirm this) with a few ideas, tweeks and changes at this end.

Just a few points, 2005 pricing *is* a struggle (yes it can make sales but at 2005 levels? You are pulling your own leg). We do have a discount option for affiliates and if any affiliates here are pushing us and want to carry on with that please drop me or John a line and we will bump you up to 60% payout too.

Also, MGP sales (with wmv clips) is all but dead for us. TGP sales (pics and hybrid MP4 video trailer) are better and in 2012 our two biggest affiliates are both Tubes (baa, humbug, fucking tubes killing sales, etc).

Twitter, Tumblr and FB sales *KILL* TGP and MGP sales stone dead.

2012 is very different to 2005 and it staggers me how many are still trying to sell with 2005 methods and sales pitch. See what's happened in the high street? Well we started doing this in the 1980's recession and right up until recent times price and value wasn't an issue with porn but it is now.

We have been doing a lot here and and a few other sites around us have too. If you are a site owner there are LOADS of sales out there but it's 2012 now and they way you sell has to be 2012 too. We are not into "bullshitting" in the desperate hope of picking up affiliates. We have done very well over the years and this is the homeward stretch for us now. We are still having fun and will be doing this for as long as that fun continues. If you are an affiliate of ours and need anything or need any help at all please do get in touch and we *also* love to hear from other paysite owners too so that we can work together (this REALLY works well).
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