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Old 06-18-2015, 02:28 PM
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jscott jscott is offline
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Well, i think it's like this Oil, they had webmaster refs links , but then removed them.... ( i was still linking) and they put on like, only affiliates that request could have those links

so years later i realized, wow i have referred tons of webmasters to GetScoreCash, and it shows as NONE. SO i asked them, they asked where i got my link from, i told them i got it a long long time ago

So ya, at some point they decided to not allow affiliates using webmaster refs, unless requested. But they did say that webmasters sending traffic to the webmaster refs they kept on. So basically they said only I got fucked in the ass by accident.

Go figure

they apologized, but i have proof that webmasters i've referred have made quite a lot of sales, so nice apology, but $ def lost to me, bcos of this "accident"
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