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nichednet 06-08-2010 10:25 PM

Saffy's Secrets... Just Does Not Care
So i got the email on June 2nd, regarding the FHGs, read like this:

"Hey guys.... Thanks for being so patient. We've finally got some fresh material up at Saffys Secrets: http://www.saffyssecrets.com/affiliate_dls_zips.htm .......Best wishes.....Saffy xxxxx"

I responded with this:

"What are the new galleries, the ones at the top or bottom? Why not send them in a URL|Description format, so that affiliates can plug them into their CMS/Scripts much faster? I am not listing these because you dont provide a description and b/c you make it a pain to get the galleries from your 'affiliate page'. If you get that adjusted or can email me the galleries with descriptions, I would be happy to list them. Thanks for you time, feel free to contact me on icq if you have any questions or concerns. I have nylon traffic, alot of it, so may be of interest to you. ;-)"

She responds with this:


No problem, pls feel free to delete us from your affiliates.

Thanks :-)"

My reason for posting this, I am sick and tired of program owners wanting affiliates to push their content and make sales with them, but don't care if you request some descriptions or so. She has probably a total of 50 FHGs, how much would it cost to have them created so affiliates have them in their galleries? As well, why would you reply so 'I don't care about you' like? I am dropping them from my sponsors, as she requested, any thoughts from the rest of you guys on this, or do I just have my pantyhose in a wad? :-D

Thanks for the ear


jscott 06-08-2010 10:42 PM

Wow, they are dumbfucks, I'd never want to deal with sponsors that reply with something like that

That is saying they have no intention to ever work with affiliates to get proper tools, they shouldn't even have an affiliate program imho

js69 06-09-2010 12:38 AM

Seems odd to me. I try and treat affiliates as customers and as long as they show the same respect, business gets done. And, after all, that is why we are here.

somona 06-09-2010 02:27 AM

You will say I always take the defense of webgirlz I know ( and it's true ..:D ) but you know Saffy is still popular, and her existing content is great no ?
We all have probs to deal with, and perhaps this mail has been sent in a bad day ....I know it's not a way to deal with affiliates, and in many cases it's a way to loose affiliates but ...relax ...I am sure things will be better soon ;)

nichednet 06-09-2010 05:24 AM

I hope so, I am very easy to work with, anyone that has done biz with me and my partner know that, will post back if anything changes. Thanks for your opinions everyone. :-)

EDIT: And yes, her content is very good, which is what makes it a interesting circumstance.

Saffy 06-09-2010 08:19 AM


I'd just like to defend myself with this as would like to thank my friend for bringing this to my attention.

Unfortunately at the moment, I'm in and out of hospital and have been for a few months which has taken priority over everything in my life. My website included! My photographer may also be leaving the country and I've just been told my website will possibly be closed. With all this going on I have to confess a few descriptions are the least of my worries.

Nichednet...I'm happy to do your description, can u send me a link so I can see exactly what you need? :)

JScott? IS there really need for calling people "Dumbs fucks" ??
Not very mature!!!!

Somona...You're just a babe!!!!!!!! ;)


Saffy 06-09-2010 08:56 AM

Sad to hear u think we don't care?
Again, I'd like to defend myself when you say we don't care.

Saffys Secrets is no big business venture, and I'd happily admit to that.
When we started out, it was a hobby/adventure, I'd met my husband/photographer through modelling for him & Saffys Secrets was born.

He had a full time job in the city 12 hours a day, so we always knew it would be no big business venture. We did it for our love off all things nylons, fetish and bondage and photography!

Saffys Secrets has been going for 6 years now...not bad, eh?
We've gone through a divorce, me living in other countries, and IVF treatment, but still it kept on!!

It never was a big money spin for us, and if people want to join us in affiliates, hey, that's great. IF people don't, it's not problem.
Apologies if we don't have the latest affiliate soft wear. I've tried my best with learning all the technical side of web mastering, but even I'm not perfect! lol
But again, I don't think I've done bad, and I've never had any complaints until now. Well, u can't please everyone!! lol

So to say we don't care? I have to disagree. Saffys Secrets was done for love not money, but hey, I'm not complaining if it brings in some pocket money!:)

Saffy 06-09-2010 09:30 AM

Sign ups....
Do u know the ironic thing about this?

I've just had a load of affiliate sign ups this morning!!! They say no publicity is bad publicity!!! lol lol

:D :p :cool:

somona 06-09-2010 11:11 AM

Tanks so much Sweet Saffy ! ..So ...al is said about this ? Perhaps some apologizes ? You know, Guys, it's always when you igore he real situation that some posts seems to be quite unreal ...I remeber telling you the same thing about PassionUK no ?


Saffy 06-09-2010 11:33 AM

You're welcome Somona....
U remind me of the mummy of all us nylon girlies...looking out for our interests! :)

Hugggs to you xxxxx

Suckerpunch 06-09-2010 12:05 PM

Thought I would throw my two cents in...

Saffy... Welcome to the board and glad you felt the need to defend yourself. Understand the situation and know very well that life can throw you a curve ball from time to time. But truthfully, an affiliate sends you an email with recommendations and that was your response? Here's someone who wants to earn a little cash from your program and help you out as well.

If a paysite program basically told me to go fuck myself, I would have done the exact same thing that nichednet did to let my fellow webmasters know that the model/program owner doesn't really care about us.

I also found it a bit amusing when you scolded jscott for his response but your response to nichednet expressed pretty much the same message.

My 2 cents...


Saffy 06-09-2010 12:56 PM

Calling someone a "Dumb fuck" is not the same as politely saying to someone, if they're not happy with how I do my affiliates they're welcome to delete me!

I wasn't rude or nasty. I was just saying it how it is. I don't have descriptions and if he doesn't want to work with me bcos he we don't offer that on our affiliates, then that his choice. :)

Saffy 06-09-2010 12:59 PM

Anyway, I shan't be defending myself any more, and I'm going to say no more on the matter! I simply don't have the time.

I've just read that nichednet has deleted me from his affiliates and I wish him the best for the future! :)

Matter closed for me!


somona 06-09-2010 01:09 PM

Chris...You surely can understand that all webgirls you promote got a life, pain, probs, and ...of course LOTS of work to let their website open ...I could understand you can wrote this if you would all promote websites of those webgirls for free ...but you are earning cash for that ( around 50 % of the membreship ...no ?) and that's the deal, and that's what I didn't understand with passion, and now for Saffy ....the existing content can still be promoted no ? I will be a little bit rude, but ..look ...
Who is the traffic of the TGPs ?
If I refer of the conversion stats,Most of them just want to get free hardcore content ...I will surely repeat me but it's like persons you invite in a big party, you make the show, and let them drink and eat ...they enjoy the show, drink all the wine, eat ...and when there is nothing to eat, they go in another party , and You, as webgirl, you are cleaning the mess and prepare another party for some other visitors !
If there were no Saffy, no PassionUK , no aother webgirls working hard everyweek to prepare this, there wouldn't have any TGP ...so some respect could be very appreciated for their work :)

Saffy, I will be always their for you and other webgirls :) keep up your great work :) ...

Hugs & kisses xoxox

Saffy 06-09-2010 01:23 PM

Sometimes there is more important things going on in our life's.
Like Passion, things that are so important we put that in front of making money.

Even in a normal job, how many people take leave for personal problems etc, which leads to their work suffering. It happens all the time, whatever industry/job you have.

In an ideal world, personal problems shouldn't affect our work, but hey, this isn't an ideal world, and us as humans can only do our best, which means sometimes mistakes are made!!!

Girl power to Somona ;) xxx

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