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js69 07-22-2013 05:25 PM

The English Are At It Again
From the country that has a camera on every corner, no concept or history of free speech a new twist from their PM, David Cameron.
Every internet user will be forced to opt in if they want to access internet pornography in a new crackdown spearheaded by David Cameron.
To be fair, the porn biz has brought it on itself.


Possessing violent pornography showing simulated rape scenes will also be made a crime in England and Wales under the Prime Minister's plans.

Mr Cameron has also set out steps to subject videos streamed online in the UK to the same restrictions as those sold in shops.

And he warned internet giants they could face tough new laws if they fail to blacklist key search terms for horrific images by this October.

In an emotive speech, the Prime Minister warned that access to online porn is "corroding childhood" and demanded tough action by search engines such as Google.

Under his plans, internet service providers (ISPs) will introduce a "default on" filters that will oblige homeowners to "opt in" to receive sexually graphic material.
Another omnibus bill that tosses c*p and rape into the mix to make a lame point.

However, it is gonna also be hell on pirates. I think this is an opportunity for those of us who do "normal" porn. But its going to be hell for Mr. Cameron and his conservative nazis to so sort it out.

What do you think? Opportunity or not?


nyllover 07-22-2013 09:48 PM

Opportunity? A mess. Whenever there is someone that has to decide what's "sexually graphic material" and what's not, a mess is what it's going to be.

js69 07-22-2013 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by nyllover (Post 10009)
Opportunity? A mess. Whenever there is someone that has to decide what's "sexually graphic material" and what's not, a mess is what it's going to be.

Exactly what free speech is all about. Short of crying fire in a crowded cinema, it should be up to the individual. There is enough software around that parents can use to prevent their kids from accessing adult material.
Apart from that, though. I do believe there is an opportunity if you do have a business that is not based on extremes, violence and....well I spose you get my drift.
However, the implementation of something this draconian will be controversial at the very least and a disaster at its worst.
Just one well argued court case could sink the ship and open the floodgates. I don't think Mr. Cameron has thought this through. Kinda like Tony Blair and Iraq.

jscott 07-23-2013 12:42 AM

Users have to all and ask for the filter to be removed LOL

Fucking ridiculous imho

Cameron is going to be the very 1st person to be calling his ISP. What a bunch of hypocrites.

js69 07-23-2013 02:16 AM

Something about Europeans. They merrily fold their tents when it comes to individual rights. Adolph knew that and cashed in. I don't want the government in my face or in my house.

NinjaSteve 07-23-2013 08:18 AM

It just opens up a bigger market for VPNs.

js69 07-23-2013 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by NinjaSteve (Post 10018)
It just opens up a bigger market for VPNs.

how would that work, Steve?

NinjaSteve 07-24-2013 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by js69 (Post 10020)
how would that work, Steve?

Many legit sites will be blocked that doesn't violate any laws. "Default on" will also make sure sites are filtered and a person has to embarrassingly ask to have it on so they can see some adult content. Instead... they can pay $80 per year or similar and connect to a VPN to bypass geographical ISP filters, encrypt their internet connection, and protect their privacy.

js69 07-24-2013 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by NinjaSteve (Post 10023)
Many legit sites will be blocked that doesn't violate any laws. "Default on" will also make sure sites are filtered and a person has to embarrassingly ask to have it on so they can see some adult content. Instead... they can pay $80 per year or similar and connect to a VPN to bypass geographical ISP filters, encrypt their internet connection, and protect their privacy.

That is all new to me. I will look into it. Thanks for that.

nyllover 07-24-2013 09:38 PM

One example: https://www.tunnelbear.com/

cots 07-27-2013 11:02 AM

We have used VPNs for several years to watch TV in the UK from here in Spain. Our normal IPs were blocked because we are out of the UK. The VPNs have been very useful and reliable. We used https://www.witopia.net and it ran like a dream. Nowadays with things like filmon.tv we don't need it so much.

As for Cameron's plans it will be the usual UK legal screw up. As a Brit (unlike some complaining here lol) we have seen it all before. Definitions of what constitutes "pornography" are so variable. Some books/movies have been banned whilst others have gone free. There have been many court cases involving "obscene" publications and what "obscene" constitutes and normally it turns into a farce. Bit like cable/satellite channels. They can show a penis, that's fine, but it can't be erect. Haha they can't even determine what they mean by erect!

I can guarantee it will be a farce but such a mess that the fallout will effect all of us!

js69 07-27-2013 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by cots (Post 10029)
We have used VPNs for several years to watch TV in the UK from here in Spain. Our normal IPs were blocked because we are out of the UK. The VPNs have been very useful and reliable. We used https://www.witopia.net and it ran like a dream. Nowadays with things like filmon.tv we don't need it so much.

As for Cameron's plans it will be the usual UK legal screw up. As a Brit (unlike some complaining here lol) we have seen it all before. Definitions of what constitutes "pornography" are so variable. Some books/movies have been banned whilst others have gone free. There have been many court cases involving "obscene" publications and what "obscene" constitutes and normally it turns into a farce. Bit like cable/satellite channels. They can show a penis, that's fine, but it can't be erect. Haha they can't even determine what they mean by erect!

I can guarantee it will be a farce but such a mess that the fallout will effect all of us!

Well, I can say from experience, having been born in the UK, resided in London, am a property owner, and worked on the launch of the first UK Satellite TV Network, that I agree. What bothers me, really, is how easy the Brits give up privacy and freedoms in order to "maintain law and order". Its a philosophical difference and I suppose we are all going down that slippery slope to some extent. It will be interesting to see if this finally crosses the line.
It prolly won't fly, but it does effect the rest of the world as well.

It was a huge topic of discussion here on open mouth radio. He has opened a Pandora's box and has no, zero idea how to implement it.
On the other hand, if he can pull something off, it will hurt tubes and graphic free sites, and cam girls much harder than most of us here.

It will kinda be a step back to where you actually had to pay to rip open the plastic bag to see the girls inside.
Not a bad thing at all. You go David.

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