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Old 07-16-2010, 01:47 AM
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Suckerpunch Suckerpunch is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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Wow... another great thread.

All the free stuff on the Internet is killing the business and making it harder to make a living doing what we do. Smaller programs continue to die a slow and miserable death. The biggest problem I've seen though is the sites continue to do the same things over and over again. For instance take a look at some of the solo model sites. I can't think of a single model that I would pay $24.95 per month to get 4 picture updates and 1 video update a month. I mean I could see myself being interested in the site for a few months but after that I doubt I would continue visiting the site. I don't care how sexy the model is or how killer her legs are, she wouldn't be worth $299.40 a year.

Now if the model regularly interacted with its members, shared personal thoughts in a blog/diary and forum, offered unique content that wasn't simply the same old re-hashed poses in similar lingerie in the same locations then you might get my attention. Teaming up with other models periodically would be another good idea. Create a sense of community with the users and I'd be more apt to keep coming back (although probably not at $300 a year).

Another way of keeping your ahead above water is doing something unique. I have to give nyllover a commendation here because he is doing something that I haven't found out there and it's a throw back to the old days of non nude. Sexy models showing off their legs and feet in nylons while staying fully clothed. May not be for everyone but I know my conversion rates for his site are better then anything else I promote. He's put a spin on the nylon niche that is unique and I really enjoy seeing.

The problem isn't solely the free content out there and the answer is not censoring the content or offering less to potential new members. We have to get creative in ways of getting people to spend their cash, find new ideas or revisit old ideas and just keep hammering away until we find what works.
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